Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Marketing Training - Things to Look for in a Training Program

By Kelly Smith

One thing I have learned in network marketing is when you have training in one specific company you may be doomed when applying it to the next.

Why is generic training in the marketing industry so important? Compensation plans are different, products and services can be different even the way the company does presentations can be different.

Let me give you an example of what can happen to people’s mindset when they have gone through company-oriented training. When we were involved in a company that dealt in long distance plans, it went under – many people even the ones making good money, quit. Just quit.
Here’s why – they didn’t have training they could apply to any company or business that taught them about mindset, being a leader or how to develop a solid team. When you have generic training, you literally have the ability even if you lost all your money (bankruptcy for example) to start all over again, no fear. Do you think Donald Trump or Robert Kiyosoki would have a problem, if someone took all of their money to start from scratch? They have the knowledge.

Just remember, yes knowledge is power, but only if you act on it and take massive action.

Here are some key things to look for in a generic training program:

Talking to People/Leads on The Phone - Learn how to talk to leads on the phone and within minutes get them to evaluate your business. A trainer/mentor should be able to show you how to close people to evaluate your program within 45 seconds. The introductory conversation should only be about 2 - 3 minutes in length.

Leads - Learning how to generate leads can ultimately save you money and bring you people who are truly interested in your business. They will also have previewed it before you even spoke to them. Let’s face it, it takes work to generate your own leads and setting it up. If you truly want to generate your own leads it isn’t a magic pill. Bringing people to your website is a process, so start calling leads while setting up your lead generations system.

Mindset - You hear it all the time in those company trainings, stay positive, have energy when you talk to people and have the right mindset. Here’s the Truth. Without the right MINDSET, nothing will work. Did you know you can literally reprogram your subconscious and unconscious areas of the mind to train your beliefs for success and failure? With the right information, it can be done. It’s not just about positive or motivational thinking. Do they teach you how to tap into the right mindset? This should be the heart of the training but it usually isn’t.

Conference Calls/Presentations - Doing your own presentations over the phone or online can be so powerful and save you time. Why would you want to spend 20 to 30 minutes of your time talking to every prospect when you can talk to many prospects for 20 to 30 minutes once or twice? Did you know ultimately the person who makes the big money is the one doing the conference calls and presentations? This is an extremely powerful skill to learn.

Teach Others To Be a Leader - Also not in the typical company training manual, they just teach you duplication, but not really how to teach others. Why don’t they teach you how to become a leader? Because they need followers, especially ones who can’t be self-sufficient.
Be a LeaderWhen you are a leader, you are constantly in control of your own destiny, personally and financially. You will have true partnerships instead of depending on your upline. Learn how to cut the apron strings and be on your own. Quit the blame game because it is your business and your responsibility. Leaders are accountable. Become a role model.

Conclusion: There are so many get rich “Automated Programs” but it’s hard to know what really works. I stick to real people who have made money and can mentor me or answer my questions if needed. There are some very successful marketers so look for ones who will be accessible and be leery of programs that will supposedly bring in droves of customers, business partners and clients and you don’t have any real contact with the marketers who started the program in the first place. Also, many of these programs will teach people to spam others to get into their business. That should be a red flag.

Kelly and Brad Smith are the founders of BKS Marketing & Income Strategies. We are currently students and mentors of Mentors in Motion and the Master Key System. They have been in the Marketing/Networking Industry for more than 5 years and share their knowledge to help others succeed at home.

For more information or to sign up for their free newsletter, "Building a Successful Business"

Contact us toll Free: 1-866-804-3398 or email us at: paid4life@shaw.ca

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelly_Smith