Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It Comes Out with Soap & Water

It comes out with soap and water.

That’s what I was thinking when my 1 ½ year old decided to paint and marker herself in the colors of the rainbow from head to toe this morning. It’s the price I pay to encourage her creativity, then what’s the harm? No worries, I thought as I looked at her sweet little blue eyes looking up at me. In this day and age, where television, computers and even stuffed animals who read stories for you, creativity is not an encouragement. We are taught from a very young age, to follow like sheep and never ask questions or think for yourself. Our mentor calls this phenomenon, the walking dead.

We see it every day in our business. Grown men and women not wanting to think for themselves.

“Do you have a system that I could just follow steps 1 to 3 and I don’t have to be there and it builds my income for me?” These people ask.
“You mean do you never have to think, make mistakes or use your creative mind to come up with solutions that may be outside the box? And we do all the work for you?” I reply with a smirk on my face.

Sometimes, I sit on the other end of the phone or computer, just not even knowing what to say because I am so flabbergasted at the thought. Especially in an industry that is founded on looking outside of the norm, making your own path on your own strengths and passions.

What the heck do some of these sheeple think? That’s right I said Sheeple. The people who just walk through life like sheep. How can we go through life not being present in the whole process of it? Making creative decisions and letting the juices flow are what makes us, well, human. Unique. And believe it or not, that uniqueness sells us and helps others relate to us.

Without creativity and the ability to use our minds we wouldn’t have any of the luxuries we have today. I don’t know what I would do without my microwave, cell phone or even computer. It was all part of the creative process. Once a spark that started in someone’s head, a problem that was asking for a solution.

Apply this process to your business. What kinds of problems do people have that you could solve? Weight loss, poor health, not enough website traffic or financially broke? This is where the creative process starts. If you can offer that solution and offer it in a more unique way than the next person, you have a leg up, my friend. The mind is everything and allowing it to work is key to building a business.

Mike Litman, the number one best-selling co-author of the book "Conversations With Millionaires," has a great quote that I often share with others who are worried about getting every little detail right and not allowing their creativity to guide them.

“You Don't Have To Get It Right, You Just Have To Get It Going.”

How’s that for simple? People don’t become successful by following on the heels of others and not allowing their own minds to go to work. The creative ideas will come, some will be good and some won’t and really, who cares? In the end, people will be impressed by your boldness and uniqueness.

They will think, “Hey, that’s actually a pretty cool idea. What else is this guy or gal up to” and they start checking you out. Sometimes contacting you immediately or watching from the sidelines to see what you’re all about.

Whenever you fall down, face covered with embarassment, pick yourself back up and keep moving forward, upward and onward. Remember, it will wash off with a little soap and water.