Consumer Alert! Is Your Juice or Supplement Safe?
The fact is, many of you out there, including us, have joined the superfood craze not only for business reasons but also because it's supposed to help us healthwise, right? Well, not all are created equal. Take a look at this consumer alert below and find out for yourself. When we discovered the facts about this preservative we started looking at all of the liquid supplements we were even purchasing from the store that could cause Benzene. Pretty frightening!
Just Remember, nothing is a panacea. You also should also subscribe to living a stress-free life (as much as possible), exercise and eat right. ;)
CONSUMER ALERT! Is Your Juice Safe?
Liquid juice blends commonly use Sodium Benzoate and Ascorbic Acid as preservatives. Research shows that these two preservatives combined may produce dangerous levels of Benzene.
Just Remember, nothing is a panacea. You also should also subscribe to living a stress-free life (as much as possible), exercise and eat right. ;)
CONSUMER ALERT! Is Your Juice Safe?
Liquid juice blends commonly use Sodium Benzoate and Ascorbic Acid as preservatives. Research shows that these two preservatives combined may produce dangerous levels of Benzene.
What the government says about Benzene:
The maximum contaminant level of benzene in drinking water is 5 ppb. The National Primary Drinking Water Regulations promulgated by EPA in 1987 set a maximum contaminant level for benzene of 0.005 ppm (5 ppb). This regulation is based on preventing benzene leukemogenesis.
Is Your Liquid Health Drink Harming You?
Ask your juice beverage supplier to show "Benzene Free Documentation". READ THE SUPPLEMENT FACTS - dangerous levels of benzene are produced from juices that contain preservatives such as Sodium Benzoate and Ascorbic Acid.
Whole Food Ingredients in AMiGO "Charge":
Natural Health Labs uses only the finest Whole Food Ingredients. Our Preservative Free - Benzene Free AMiGO Charge is a health supplement that makes a difference!
For centuries cultures from all over the world have handed down secret remedies using exotic fruits and berries. As the news of these miraculous healing "superfruits" began to surface in modern societies, medical and health professionals began to inquire of their validity. Were these just anecdotal, placebo-based, half-truths — or a healing gift bestowed upon us by our Creator? The quest for "truth" led to the revelation of many naturally occurring healing compounds in these wonderful superfruits.
Research led the formulators of CHARGE to seek out the most powerful fruits. These "superfruits" in the compounds used are AcaĆ Berry, Mangosteen, and Goji Berry.
(Photo by Pamah)
Brad & Kelly Smith are founders of their home based business - Mindset Marketing . They are mentors and leaders in Mentors in Motion, Master Key System and Amigo Health Labs. They share their passion and knowledge of the industry within the past 5 years with others in success.Discover how to get $700 for free: or subscribe to their free newsletter with 7 Tips for Success
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