Moving On . . .
Building A Successful Business has moved to a new home. Please check us out for more marketing tips, news and personal growth.
Brad & Kelly Smith
This is our journey as an entrepreneurial couple with three kids and working together online from home. We discuss everyday trials & tribulations and how we accomplish success despite the obstacles. Although most days are fun, some days we wonder how we are going to get through - driving children to school, playdates, changing diapers and Brad and I trying to agree on business decisions. . . Phew! ;)
Building A Successful Business has moved to a new home. Please check us out for more marketing tips, news and personal growth.
Brad & Kelly Smith
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 10:41 PM
-- How to flood your business with eager, qualified prospects, customers and clients who want to talk to you . . .
-- Discover online tactics that will catapult your business to new heights (despite the disgusting results you saw previously) . . .
-- How to boost your profits and your bank account (even if you’re previous profits were a big, fat $0) . . .
-- How to pulverize your competition (now they will be begging you for information) . . .
-- Amplify traffic to your website (techniques to apply so that prospects will be coming in droves) . . .
Now, what would you do to have access to this kind of information that could take you from the poor house to the penthouse?
One marketer revealed the specific methods and system he used to create an income of more than $500,000 in a year and a half!
How would you like to make your peers squirm because you have in your hands access to the world’s greatest marketing secrets? What if I told you that you could also make a lucrative profit from selling this particular information to others as well?Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 10:54 PM
1. We’ve all been scammed at one point or another in this industry. It’s not some random isolated incident. What you must do is look at it as a learning lesson on what to look for next time.
2. Go with your gut. You can question people, look at the comp plan, call the president of the company. If something feels good, than do it.
3. No matter what you think you’ve been through, there is always someone out there who has been through worse. Don’t assume the person you’re saying this to hasn’t seen the down side of life. He/She just chose to take a higher road and get through it.
4. No matter how tough things can seem or how many people complain, I know that my life is a thousand times better today with the love of my husband and two children.
5. You can’t create a better life by focusing on what’s wrong with it. Haven’t you watched The Secret or studied the Master Key System yet? Geeez!
6. Know that there will always be things you don’t know. Keep studying, internet marketing is constantly changing!
7. You’ll never, ever be able to please everybody.
8. Empower, don’t enable. Once you enable someone they will expect everything from you including you building their business for them.
9. Just because someone calls you to say they are a heavy hitter, doesn’t mean squat. They are usually looking for some kind of special deal or placement. If they have to call to tell you that, it should be your first clue. ;) We've found the people who produce and work the hardest are not the ones who brag about who they are.
10. There will be moments when you want to quit and walk away. Time outs are just as effective with adults. Just walk away to a quiet place or go for a coffee with a friend. In a couple of hours you will be in the right mind frame again and be ready to jump back in.
Brad & Kelly Smith are founders of their home based business - Mindset Marketing . They are mentors and leaders in Mentors in Motion, Master Key System and Amigo Health Labs. They share their passion and knowledge of the industry within the past 5 years with others in success.
"Finally Exposed! Red-Hot Secrets Marketers Don't Want You to Know"
Discover how to get $700 for free: or subscribe to their free newsletter with 7 Tips for Success
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 10:17 PM
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 9:44 PM
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 12:45 AM
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 2:34 PM
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 9:25 PM
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not;
nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.
Genius will not;
unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not;
the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the
problems of the human race."
- Calvin Coolidge
How are you approaching your business? Better yet, how are you
approaching your life on a daily basis? I know there are the scattered
few who do fine with goal setting.
Let's talk about the truth. Goal setting is like New Year's
resolutions and we know how fast those go into the toilet. When I came
to the realization of what goal setting means it no longer made sense
to me. Goal setting is something you plan in the future. You're always
chasing it. You make a goal to lose weight and most of us quit before
we start once we see the dessert tray go by. It's the same in chasing
success. Making or planning a goal to be successful is like chasing
your dream. Hoping and trying for it to happen but never seeing it
come to fruition.
Expectations are having no doubt of failure. Just like you expect to
get out of bed in the morning. You expect to get dressed. You expect
to go about your daily day. Expect to do well in your business, no
questions asked, no doubts, no fears. . . This wil keep you a step
ahead from the rest of the people out there working there businesses.
You see people don't usually fail because there is something wrong
with the business, they fail because they give up.
When you have full expectations of success and no room for failure,
you will keep looking at different ways to approach your business
until you find a way that works for you because you perservere.
Perserverance and determination are a common trait among the
successful, it's not better tools or more eductation. As the saying goes,
"Never, never, never, give in, never give up in business or in life.
Marketing Secrets Exposed --
Brad & Kelly Smith are founders of their home based business - Mindset Marketing . They are mentors and leaders in Mentors in Motion, Master Key System and Amigo Health Labs. They share their passion and knowledge of the industry within the past 5 years with others in success. Discover how to get $700 for free: or subscribe to their free newsletter with 7 Tips for Success
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 12:32 AM
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 12:23 AM
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 12:39 AM
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 4:46 PM
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 4:34 PM
When I am not separating lights and darks, kissing boo boos, sucking cheerios out from underneath the sofa or playing hide and seek, I am running a business. On the contrary of what many people think that I may sit on the couch eating bon bons and watching Oprah That’s the joke my husband used to say when he was still in a 9 to 5 job.
He certainly changed his tune when he decided to work by my side as a work at home dad. Everyday consists of organizing the day between activities for our toddlers, meals and snacks and bathtime and organization of the business, and who is taking what role as mom and dad or business owner. Then there is of course the “sometimes life gets in the way situations of a melt down or the latest sniffles the kids are passing back and forth to each other at a playdate.
I just wanted to inform people out there why there are so many networking sites for stay at home and work at home moms. If you’re a mom you know what I am talking about. ;) We need others to relate to and talk to when we feel like we are at our wits end trying to find the balance between the two.
I always tell people I didn’t know what busy was until I became a mom. It’s a 24/7 job, one of the toughest but most rewarding in my opinion. To me, having a business from home is my version of having it all, but it comes with a price. And when I listen to people who work at a 9 to 5 and say they don’t have time to fit in a part time business that may be able to replace their full time, I just giggle.
“Yes. Busy,” I reply rolling my eyes. Not everyone has a dowry like me so my full time nanny can take care of the kids all day and my assistant can do all the work for me while I go and get my nails and hair done at the spa and my business magically grows . . . I am kidding! I remember attending a networking training and the trainers said, “When someone says they are busy, say don’t kid yourself, we are all busy.” Hit the nail on the head.
What I have learned is when someone replies “I am too busy” the translation is “It’s just not a priority for me right now.” Really, think about it. If the next person who called you said he had an extra first class full-paid ticket to Bermuda for a week would you say, “Hmmm, I am really too busy.” Yeah, right.
I am speaking from experience because I used to be that person and still use that excuse on occasion, because let’s face it, I am always busy. Even if I am busy taking time out for myself.
Brad & Kelly Smith are founders of their home based business - Mindset Marketing. They are mentors and leaders in Mentors in Motion, Master Key System and Amigo Health Labs. They share their passion and knowledge of the industry within the past 5 years with others in success. Check our or subscribe to their free newsletter with 7 Tips for Success:
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 12:26 AM
We hear so many stories of people being told they can’t accomplish their goals or dreams or will never make it and in fact, go on to be great leaders and role models in our society. Oprah comes to mind of course and The Pursuit of Happyness’ Christopher Gardner . His story brings tears to my eyes not because it’s a rags to riches story, but because his son was a driving force to overcome any obstacle.
Being a dedicated mother myself, one of my dreams was to be home with my children and give them a better life and teach them that anything is accessible to them. How grateful I am that my husband Brad is also my business partner and our children are able to be with both of us whenever they want because we are both running a business out of our home. Yes, there are sacrifices. Yes, it isn’t easy working with and living with each other around the clock. Yes, it’s worth it. Having a dream and not allowing anyone else to tell you “No”, is paramount to how I live.
Today, when people tell me I can’t do something, I say “Thank you.”
Because they are giving me fuel to prove myself despite what others may think or say. It could be human nature or just the way I am wired.
When I was younger, I went through some difficult stages and made some mistakes with my life, that serve as learning experiences today. But while I was in that part of my life, I had no hope for my dreams, couldn’t even see a future, but there was still a small part of me that kept driving forward. You see, I have learned dreams can start small and as you reach the smaller ones, your dreams expand into bigger and better ones.
When I was in my early 20s all I wanted was to straighten my head out and go back to college, finish and major in one of my passions - writing. Before when I attended school I was following everyone else’s dreams and eventually flunked out. Big surprise.
When I decided to go back to school on my own steam, despite being broke, I remember my mother saying, “You’re just fooling yourself.” The one person who was supposed to have unconditional faith in my ability to do anything didn’t even have faith in me anymore. My heart sank into my stomach and the disappointment in myself was overwhelming.
This was a defining moment. -- It solidified that I was going to do it, find a way. Straighten myself out, start following my dreams. On my terms. And I did, applied for loans, found housing on campus, worked a part time job while attending college full time. I immersed myself in school and graduated with a journalism degree with honors.
It was just the first step, which led to a journey that I had always dreamed about but never expected including finally moving across country on my own with what belongings I could fit in my pick up truck, meeting my soul mate, finding my passion and myself and having two beautiful children. And my journey has only begun, my dreams keep expanding as I fulfill more of them. I wake up some days, tired, but still elated that this is my life.
I remember one particular evening talking to my father as he lay in one of many hospital beds (he was sick for over 20 years before passing on July 23, 2002).
“Don’t ever pass up any opportunities,” he said looking at me wondering if this was the last time we would talk. I had learned in his later years that he had passed up his own opportunities and dreams offered to him, because of fear. Can you imagine, coming to the end of your life, saying, would of, could of, should of? That’s my worst fear and another driving force. Why I am telling you this? Life doesn’t stop even when you are standing still.
Brad & Kelly Smith are founders of their home based business - Mindset Marketing. They are mentors and leaders in Mentors in Motion, Master Key System and Amigo Health Labs. They share their passion and knowledge of the industry within the past 5 years with others in success. Check our or subscribe to their free newsletter with 7 Tips for Success:
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 11:58 AM
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 4:37 PM
We just had to share the info about the weight loss system released in our Amigo Health business because the incredible testimonials we have been hearing.
I have to admit that I am totally addicted to the protein shakes. I mix them with my Charge energy drink in the morning before going to my workout or just chasing after the kids. It’s a great meal replacement or snack for a busy mom. There are days when I am lucky to get in a shower, let alone eat a full meal! The shakes are great for a quick treat.
The BKS Mindset Marketing team ( of Amigo Health Labs announced the release of a cutting edge weight loss system. Weight loss testers have been reporting the loss of one pound to 4 pounds on a daily basis. The all-natural products are designed to synergistically work together as a system consists of a body cleanse formula called Amigo Cleanse, a thermogenic formula, Amigo Boost and protein meal replacement, Amigo Trim.
“The thermogenic system stimulates the metabolic system in a safe manner,” said Michael Grant, CEO and formulator of the weight loss system on a recent conference call. “It doesn’t give you heart palpatations and doesn’t make you feel like you drank a pot of coffee. Grant said explaining that it makes more sense for the thermogenic part of the system to support the heart and soul of the system and not be the system.
“You can go to any health food store and buy the latest and greatest fad on weight loss and ninety percent of the time it’s pure thermogenic. That can put a serious drain on your adrenal function. When you stop a weight loss system that’s purely based on thermogenic inevitably your system will have a reversal and more often than not that’s the greatest single cause of why people gain more weight after a diet than what they lost,” said Grant.
The system is designed to work together and is in a 7-day or 14-day system and also sold separately at highly competitive prices within today’s market. Testimonials from some Amigo Health Labs members are reporting daily results such as losing 1 to 4 pounds a day.
The Amigo Trim is used as a protein meal replacement with water or skim milk as a shake or delicious pudding. The Amigo Boost is an advanced thermogenic weight loss booster made with all natural ingredients including Hoodia, Yerba Mate and Guarana to boost metabolism, increase energy and decrease appetite. The Amigo Cleanse is for the detoxification of the body for overall health including psyllium and fennel seed, which increases the production of digestive fluids, reducing inflammation.
“We are on the fourth of day of the weight loss system. The chocolate is delicious. In the first two days alone I lost two pounds and my husband has already lost 10
pounds. This is a proven system that tastes great and works fast!” said Kelly Smith of the BKS Mindset Marketing Team.
It’s flagship product, Amigo Juice and energy drink, Amigo Charge contain the three superfoods - Goji, Mangosteen and Acai, which have already become widely known throughout the networking, health and media industry.
Amigo Health Labs has been distinguishing itself in the market with its progressive compensation plan that pays on the dollar up to 81% because it’s manufacturer direct to the consumer eliminating the middleman.
For more information regarding the 20-year-old company, products or business call us: 1-866-804-3398 or email us: Kelly and partner/husband, Brad Smith are founders of their own home-based business, BKS Mindset Marketing and successful independent distributors of Amigo Health Labs. They share their passion and knowledge of being in the Industry for the last 5 years together to help others succeed in the home based business arena. To find out how to get $700 of training for free! Go to: or check out
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 6:40 PM
- Women are leaving corporations at twice the rate of men, many to start their own businesses.
- Women buy over 80% of consumer purchases, including over 50% of electronics, computers and investments.
- Women own 66% of home based businesses
Knowing this, who are you gearing your marketing ads to? The amount of women to men on the Internet is just about equal these days, yet I see so many opportunity ads geared towards men.
According to another article I was reading about marketing to women (although I have been saying this for years), Women (mid-20s to mid-50's) don't have a lot of time available to absorb the information. I am seeing more and more women these days discover the whole concept of getting their cake and eating it too. Things are reversing and a huge number of moms are working from home doing a balance act of running a home based business while being a mom to their children.
So offering smaller chunks of information for women to read likely will cut through the clutter they are juggling on a daily basis. These are things to remember when marketing to women for your products and services. Women don’t have a great deal of time, so make it pithy and offer something enticing to come back for more such as a bonus gift.
Brad & Kelly Smith are mentors and leaders in Mentors in Motion, Master Key System and Amigo Health. They share their passion and knowledge of the industry within the past 5 years with others in Success.
Posted by Brad and Kelly Smith at 11:26 AM